Mar 15, 2024 - 02:01 PM
Do you have the same question? Follow this Question
Mar 15, 2024 - 02:01 PM
We’ve provided several answers to questions related to Red Kap KP70WH Unisex Specialized Cuffed Lab Coat , see some other helpful Q&A related to this product.
Question: Does the cuffed lab coat have a matte or glossy finish?
Answer: The Red Kap lab coats, specifically the KP70WH Unisex Specialized Cuffed Lab Coat, doesn't have a matte or glossy finish. Instead, it features a wrinkle-resistant finish.
Question: Where are Red Kap lab coats made?
Answer: The red kap lab coat is not manufactured locally, it is imported.
Question: Is the cuffed lab coat made of a fabric blend?
Answer: Yes, the Red Kap KP70WH Unisex Specialized Cuffed Lab Coat is made of a fabric blend. Specifically, the red kap lab coat is composed of 80% Polyester and 20% Combed Cotton.
Question: Does my lab coat cuffed sleeve order ship from your local warehouse?
Answer: Yes, your order for the Red Kap KP70WH Unisex Specialized lab coat with cuffed sleeves will be shipped from the Nashville warehouse.
View all Red Kap KP70WH Unisex Specialized Cuffed Lab Coat Questions & Answers