Jan 05, 2024 - 03:27 PM
Do you have the same question? Follow this Question
Jan 05, 2024 - 03:27 PM
We’ve provided several answers to questions related to Woven Zippered Pillow Protectors , see some other helpful Q&A related to this product.
Question: Do the bulk pillow protectors ship from the same location as the Woven Zippered ones?
Answer: Yes, the bulk pillow protectors and the Woven Zippered Pillow Protectors both ship from the same location, which is New York.
Question: Can I wash the bulk pillow protectors if they're woven and zippered?
Answer: Absolutely, the bulk pillow protectors you referred to, specifically the Woven Zippered Pillow Protectors, are indeed washable.
Question: Before buying bulk pillow protectors, do I need to iron the Woven Zippered ones?
Answer: No, you don't need to iron the Woven Zippered Pillow Protectors when buying in bulk. They are made of a fabric that requires no ironing.
Question: Do the bulk pillow protectors use Woven Zippered fabric?
Answer: Yes, the bulk pillow protectors are designed with T-180 fabric as they are Woven Zippered Pillow Protectors.
Question: How is the design of these bulk pillow protectors with woven zippered features?
Answer: These bulk pillow protectors, known as Woven Zippered Pillow Protectors, have been designed with an inset zipper feature. This ensures a secure and seamless fit around your pillows.
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