Nov 24, 2023 - 07:07 PM
Do you have the same question? Follow this Question
Nov 24, 2023 - 07:07 PM
We’ve provided several answers to questions related to Flame Resistant Khaki Cotton Pants 988PFR9 , see some other helpful Q&A related to this product.
Question: What is the shipping origin for these khaki FR pants, the Flame Resistant Khaki Cotton Pants 988PFR9?
Answer: The Flame Resistant Khaki Cotton Pants 988PFR9, designed for maximum safety and comfort, are shipped directly from our dedicated facility in Mississippi, ensuring quick and reliable delivery.
Question: If I choose "None" for hem length, what's the length of the khaki FR pants 988PFR9?
Answer: For the product "Flame Resistant Khaki Cotton Pants 988PFR9", if you opt for "None" in the hem length selection, the pants will come with an unfinished length of 37 inches, ready for custom tailoring to your preference.
Question: If I alter the hem/inseam, what's the shipping time for khaki fr pants 988PFR9?
Answer: For our Flame Resistant Khaki Cotton Pants 988PFR9, if you choose to customize the hem/inseam length, please be aware that it will add 5-7 days to the processing time before your order is ready to ship.
Question: Do the khaki fr pants 988PFR9 have permanent flame resistant characteristics?
Answer: Indeed, the Flame Resistant characteristics of the 988PFR9 Khaki Cotton Pants are not temporary. They are ingrained in the fabric and persist for the entire lifespan of the garment, ensuring your safety at all times.
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